I was born in Salsomaggiore, small city in Emilia Romagna region and moved to Finale Ligure. I love sports, especially Mx, sky, climb, play tennis and obviously riding bikes...
I'm a nature lover as well... The forest quietness, snowy mountains, watching sunsets are my best spots... makes me so happy.
Successes so far
4 times DH Italian champ
3 times enduro Italian champ
2 time ebike Italian champ
Podium on European DH champs
Many top 10 in DH worldcup
E-EWS: 1 Place 2022 in Petzen
4 overall winner Italian Ebike circuit and many others
"My passion involves everything on two wheels"
Alia Marcellini
Alia is Part of the
HAIBIKE Family Series
With the Haibike Family Series, we want to focus on our athletes in their home and familiar environment. In addition to the respective background and everyday life, the individual episodes combine the different cultures and personalities, cohesion and friendships that have developed, also among each other, in one series.
More about the Family SeriesMore about the Family Series
Alia´s Story:
How I got into biking ...
I was a tennis player in the past but Mx rider since I was 5... When I stop to play tennis at age 17, I discovered the 2 wheels world(without engine) and Mx help me a lot to be a good bike rider since the beginning, I falling in love with it and that is still my life!
The best bike Region is ...
of course Finale Ligure! I moved from my hometown to Finale Ligure. I love that place, for biking and for everything.
My coolest bike experience was ...
when I moving to South America for 2 month for racing and discover the country on the bike, was amazing seeing many kind of nature, ground and feels the super kind atmosphere of the Latins. Also the E-Bike World Tour of this was a really (hard) but nice ones.
When I'm not biking ...
I also love climbing, riding Mx, skiing, play tennis and doing a lot of bricolage things.